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The Willink

Train to Teach

Who are we?

Welcome to the Two Counties Teacher Training Partnership, in collaboration with the University of Reading. Our partnership includes The WillinkLittle Heath SchoolKing's Academy Prospect SchoolThe Hurst Community CollegeTheale GreenThe Wren and Denefield School. We are seeking enthusiastic individuals interested in pursuing teacher training through the School Direct (fee-paying) route to earn a Postgraduate Certificate of Education (PGCE) and Qualified Teacher Status (QTS). The Willink serves as the lead school for the Two Counties Teaching Training Partnership.


Teacher training places for 2024 - 25 are available in the following subjects:

Science (with Biology, Chemistry or Physics) Art
English MFL
Geography Physical Education
Maths* Design Technology

*All our schools are part of the Mobius Maths Hub which is based at The Willink.

If you are interested in finding out more about training to teach through the School Direct route, please contact Mrs Katy Leach at: traintoteach@willink.w-berks.sch.uk

Please review this document which provides a comprehensive look  at the Postgraduate Initial Teacher Education in association with Two Counties Teacher Training Partnership and the University of Reading:

Postgraduate Initial Teacher Education Information Document

Why choose the 2 Counties Partnership?

We have a strong history of providing top quality Initial Teacher Training (ITT) and work in close partnership with the excellent Institute of Education at the University of Reading. All of our schools are within a relatively small geographical area to the west and south-west of Reading; if you are keen to have some control over where you are based for your school experience then the School Direct route through us is ideal for you.  

Many successful Two Counties trainees continue as members of staff at our schools after their ITT year has been completed; quality support continues through their first two years as Early Career Teachers and beyond.  Please do be aware that due to the nature of staffing in schools, we cannot guarantee a post will be available with Two Counties schools on completion of your training.

How will you train?

Qualifying with a PGCE and QTS through School Direct is a one-year programme that enables aspiring teachers to train full-time in schools.  As a trainee you will be largely based in one school (most often the one of your choice) with the added benefit of regularly meeting other trainees across the Partnership.  You will also have a shorter placement another of our partnership schools so you can broaden your teaching experience even further.

What are we looking for in a candidate?

We are looking to recruit talented candidates who have the qualities suited to a career in teaching and the drive to make it happen. The main personal qualities we seek are:

  • Good interpersonal skill
  • Organisation and time management skills
  • A positive outlook with a passion for their subject
  • Creativeness, a willingness to try new ideas and to take a risk
  • A high degree of motivation and resilience
  • The ability to be reflective

Our 2024-25 Entry Requirements are as follows:

  • Degree, related or unrelated to the subject you wish to teach (a Subject Knowledge Enhancement course may be required Subject knowledge enhancement (SKE))
  • GCSE Grade C (4) and above in English, maths and science
  • All original certificates will be checked and verified

If you would like to discuss any of this please contact traintoteach@willink.w-berks.sch.uk

Get School Experience Days

School experience allows you to learn more about teaching by visiting schools. We will shortly be sharing when we will be running 'Get School Experience' Days here, so stay tuned!

If you would like to join a Get School Experience Days at another school in the Two Counties Teacher Training Partnership, please visit their school websites for details. 

Get School Experience days will help you decide: if you want to train to be a teacher; experience a secondary school environment; and build a relationship with a school you might want to work with later. 

You can request to Get School Experience if you:

  •  are aged 18 or over
  •  have a degree (or are studying for one)
  •  have the right to work in the UK

To apply, please register here: https://schoolexperience.education.gov.uk  


Below you will find information about upcoming Get School Experience Days at The Willink in 2023/2024: