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The Willink



Thank you for your interest in The Willink school. 

How to Apply

All admissions for years 7 to 11 at The Willink are managed by West Berkshire Council and information and details of the application process are available on their website. The Willink school works closely with the Local Authority to ensure that the school's admission arrangements are complied with.

Click on the link below to learn more about West Berkshire Council's school admissions and placements. Here you can also apply for a secondary school placement at The Willink:

West Berkshire School Admissions online

In-Year Transfers Years 7 to 11

Once a child has started secondary school, parents and carers can make an application for The Willink at any time.  This is known as an in-year transfer application.  The Willink is part of West Berkshire's Admissions' In-Year Co-ordination Scheme.  This means that all in-year transfer applications for Years 7 to 11 should be made directly to West Berkshire's Admissions Department, regardless of where a child lives.  Details on this process, including the application form itself, can be found on the in-year places page in the school admissions section of West Berkshire's website via the following link: 

In-year School Places - West Berkshire Council

 The Right to Appeal

Parents and carers have the right to appeal an admissions decision.  The Willink uses West Berkshire's Appeals Service to hear its appeals.  Details about the appeals' process can be found on West Berkshire Council's website via the following link:

Appealing against a School Admission Decision - West Berkshire Council

Admissions Information

Willink School Admissions Information - September 2023

Admissions Policy

Travel to School

Click on the link below to find out more about School Transport through West Berkshire and Hampshire County Council:



Useful Information

Thinking of The Willink as the school for your son or daughter? This document shares seven top tips from ex-Chief Inspector Sir Michael Wilshaw about how to find out more about the school:

Seven Top Tips When Choosing a Secondary School For Your Child

Admissions to The Willink Sixth Form

To find out more about The Willink Sixth Form and how to apply, please click here.