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The Willink

Silver Award Duke of Edinburgh

Silver Award Duke of Edinburgh

Students in Year 10 may start, or progress to, their Silver Award.

If already enrolled in Bronze, students must have completed at least one section of their Bronze before Silver can be added to their eDofE account. This allows reduced time for some sections. Completing Bronze is not required to start Silver.

The Silver Award includes the same sections as Bronze: Volunteering, Physical, Skills, and Expedition, with a commitment of one hour per week for the sections and there are still minimum timeframes for taking part; the young people will choose their longest section when they first access their Silver account.

Duke of Edinburgh Launch Letter - September 2024

About the Silver Award

These links are provided by Duke of Edinburgh to introduce the Silver Award:

Silver Award: Introduction For Parents:

Silver Award: Introduction For Students:

Silver Award Willink Registration Process

Enrollment takes place at the start of the Autumn term. To register for Silver, an enrolment form should be completed and returned to the main office, and make payment of £75 (this includes a registration pack from DoE and a participating place fee which covers the cost of the licence to the school as well as a small administration cost). 

Silver Award Costs Through The Willink

The total cost of the Silver award is £345 and details of the payment schedule are below. Payments can be made via Scopay.

Should you wish to discuss possible payment options or believe your child would be entitled to funding towards this visit, please contact the finance office at finance@willink.w-berks.sch.uk to discuss. There is funding that can be applied for from the DofE award organisation and most kit and equipment can be borrowed from our school stock so, please, do not allow finance to be the barrier to your young person beginning the award. We will also be asking for medical and Next of Kin information via our EVOLVE+ system.

2024-2025 Payment Schedule:

  • First deposit (non-refundable)            £115 payable by ASAP
  • Interim payment                                        £115 payable by 2 October 2024
  • Final Balance                                               £115 payable by 2 April 2025

Silver Award: Important Dates

Training day and expeditions are as follows:

  • Silver training – 20 September 2024
  • Silver Practice – 18, 19 and 20 October 2024
  • Silver Qualifying – 2, 3 and 4 July 2025

Useful documents

Below are some useful documents for completing your Silver Award.  Please also see documents on our main Duke of Edinburgh information webpage.

Duke of Edinburgh Enrolment Form (PDF)

Duke of Edinburgh Enrolment Form (Word Document)

Kit List

Silver Award – Spare Assessors Cards