Safeguarding Statement
At The Willink we strongly recognise the need for vigilant awareness of safeguarding issues. All staff have appropriate training and induction so that they understand their roles and responsibilities and are confident about carrying them out. Staff, pupils, parents, governors and visitors should feel secure that they could raise any issues or concerns about the safety or welfare of children and know that they will be listened to and taken seriously. This will be achieved by maintaining an ethos of safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children and young people and protecting staff. This is supported by clear behaviour, anti-bullying and child protection policies, appropriate induction and training, briefing and discussion of relevant issues and relevant learning in line with current legislature and guidelines.
Safeguarding Information
Advice for Parents - Keeping Young People Safe Online
Advice for Students - Keeping Safe Online
Online Exploitation Information & Links
Advice for parents and carers on cyberbullying from the Department for Education
Safeguarding Officers
Mr A Sizer Designated Safeguarding Lead |
Mrs P Myers Deputy Safeguarding Officer |
Mrs G Schofield Assistant Head Teacher Deputy Safeguarding Officer |
Mrs R Wilson Family and Schools Support Worker Deputy Safeguarding Officer |
The Safeguarding Governor is Mr Neil Birch |
The Deputy Safeguarding Governor is Bekky Moran Jennings
Safeguarding Contact Information
Tel: 0118 983 2030
PC Tim Emery
Safer Schools Police Officer
West Berkshire Police Area