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The Willink

Ethos, Vision and Values

School Vision

The Willink School is committed to provide a caring, engaging, respectful and high achieving learning environment for both our students and staff. In partnership with our wider community, we aim to give every student a high quality, well-balanced education, enabling them to flourish and achieve their full academic and personal potential. With our international school ethos, we are further committed to achieving excellence in language learning, giving students the opportunity to develop into confident global citizens. We aim to ensure that all of our students are equipped with the resilience, adaptability and communication skills needed to grasp the challenges and opportunities of the 21st century.

Click here to read more about The Willink School's Vision and Motto.

Our Philosophy

The Willink offers a wide range of opportunities: academic, practical, cultural and linguistic, and sporting to all students. The school’s paramount concern is the individual student; their personal development, their academic tuition, their interests and their career needs. In order to realize the school’s vision statement, the school has set the following intentions or aims:

  • To promote the maximum possible development of individual students’ talents and potential within a tolerant and caring community.
  • To help students to develop a lively, enquiring mind and the ability to question, to debate and to apply themselves to tasks and physical skills.
  • To help students to acquire in all areas of the curriculum the knowledge, understanding and skills relevant to adult life, employment and leisure in a fast-changing world.
  • To help students to use language and number effectively and develop digital literacy.
  • To promote equal opportunities for all, to counter racism, sexism and all other forms of discrimination.
  • To encourage respect for religious and moral values and tolerance of other races, faiths and beliefs and ways of life.
  • To help students to understand the world in which they live and the interdependence of individuals, groups and nations, including awareness of economic and environmental issues.
  • To help students to appreciate human achievement and aspirations in all forms of human endeavour.
  • To help students in the development of their personal and social skills building positive relationships. Our aims are primarily concerned with individual students’ development.

However, many parents will wish to know how these aims are implemented and to find out more about the philosophy, policies and practice of the school which turn ideals into real achievement. The most important of these can be quickly summarised:

  • The school’s high expectations of students which encourage all to achieve their maximum potential irrespective of race, gender, background or ability.
  • Its emphasis both on hard work, especially homework, and on a broad balanced education of the whole person in which opportunities across the curriculum, including co-curricular activities, play an important part.
  • Its effective pastoral and student support system, including year teams and houses, which provides encouragement, care and support for all students including those with additional barriers to learning.
  • Its continuing emphasis on academic excellence, including entry to employment and higher education from its sixth form.

To help achieve these aims for our students we need to attract, develop and care for our staff. To this end high quality professional development and the building of collaborative networks underpins our drive for continuous improvement. Teachers’ expectations, like family support, are known to be crucial to students’ success at all levels. Both have always complemented each other at The Willink. We know we can make a big difference in the lives of our students and we gladly accept our responsibility.

Click here to read more about The Willink's Philosophy & Ethos.