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Monthly Maths Puzzle - January 2018

Monthly Maths Puzzle - January 2018

January 22nd marks the 426th Birthday of Pierre Gassendi; French philosopher, priest, astronomer, and mathematician!

In 1631, Gassendi became the first person to observe the transit of a planet across the Sun, viewing the transit of Mercury. He also used a camera obscura to gauge the apparent diameter of the moon, and has a lunar crater named after him for his astronomical achievements.

In honour of Gassendi’s Birthday, can you decode the inter-galactic puzzle below to find the value of the ‘?’ ?

Hand your answer to your maths teacher or email your answer by 10th February to Miss Teague (lteague@willink.w-berks.sch.uk). A voucher redeemable at any shop in the Oracle will be awarded for the first correct answer drawn from the hat (many thanks for the kind sponsorship by Willink PTA).

Last month’s puzzle was won by Ollie Woodcock 9L: many congratulations.