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Monthly Maths Puzzle - February 2018

Monthly Maths Puzzle - February 2018

Friday February 16th is Chinese New Year – the year of the Dog.

The famous Lo-Shu magic square from ancient China is said to be the first example of a ‘magic’ square. In a magic square, the figures in each vertical, horizontal, and diagonal row add up to the same value.

This month’s challenge is to complete the magic square


There will be a different number from 0 to 15 in each square. Four numbers have already been placed.

The remaining twelve numbers must be arranged so that a magic square is formed; the sum of the numbers in each row, each column, and each long diagonal should be equal to 30.

Hand your answer to your maths teacher or email your answer by 2nd March to Miss Teague (lteague@willink.w-berks.sch.uk).

A voucher redeemable at any shop in the Oracle will be awarded for the first correct answer drawn from the hat (many thanks for the kind sponsorship by Willink PTA).

Last month’s puzzle was won by The Yuille Family: many congratulations to them!
Solution: ? = 7