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The Willink

Exam Results - queries and information

GCSE and A Level Results

Congratulations to all our students on their results. It has been a difficult year and we are incredibly proud of the resilience and patience students have shown.

 Staff are available to talk through any queries about entrance to the Sixth Form, continuing education else here or employment options. If you would like an appointment please call 0118 983 2030 or email office@willink.w-berks.sch.uk

If your query is about changing subjects for Sixth Form you do not need to make an appointment as long as your subjects fit our option blocks and you meet the entry requirements. We may be able to be flexible on some subject entry requirements given the exceptional circumstances this year.

Sixth Form Course Guide

How your grades were awarded

The Centre Assessed Grades you received were your teachers’ professional judgement of the grades you would likely have received had your exams taken place.

We are confident that we followed the process set out by Ofqual fairly and with diligence. Each grade was determined using a range of evidence including mock exams, teacher assessments, homeworks and classwork. These grades were carefully moderated at department level and then signed off by a senior leader.

Ofqual have published a guide for students and parents on what to do if you have concerns or questions about your grades.
