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The Willink

Further Details on Awarding Grades for GCSE and A Levels

Further Details on Awarding Grades for GCSE and A Levels

Friday 3rd April

Following on from today's edition of WeLink, the Department of Education and Ofqual have now issued guidance to schools and a letter to students concerning how this year's examinations will be assessed. These documents are attached. 

In the light of this information the school will methodically and meticulously follow the guidance provided and submit the information to the exams regulator as required. This will take time and take place in the period following the Easter break. 

May I please ask that students or parents refrain contacting individual staff on this matter. We do intend to take Q&As on the issue and we will send you information on this during the week beginning 20th April.

Letter to Students from Ofqual

Guidance for teachers, students, parents and carers on awarding grades

Kind regards and take care.

Peter Fry

Head, The Willink School