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The Willink

A - Level Exam Results 2021

A - Level Exam Results


A Level Results – Tuesday 10th August 2021 The Willink School is pleased to announce the following GCE ‘A’ level results. The headline figures are

This year, following the cancellation of exams, grades were awarded through a process of centre determined grades, against a national standard. Due to this fundamentally different nature of assessment, our students have had opportunity to show their performance in each subject across different pieces of evidence, resulting in a holistic grade. The process of awarding grades ensured that students were only assessed on content they had been taught. The school’s approach to assessing students was approved by the exam boards. The different model of assessment this year means, of course, that year-on-year or school-to- school comparisons are unhelpful.

At A Level, particular successes were achieved by:

(*) These two students scored top grades in every single GCSE two years ago (grade 9) and A Level (grade A*) this year. They have demonstrated exceptional persistence and commitment throughout the last four years.

71 students received their first choice place at university with a third of students accepting places at Russell Group universities and five students securing apprenticeships.

Peter Fry (Head, The Willink School) said:

“The Willink School is delighted to publish some wonderful achievements by its students in their A Level and other post 16 courses. After what has been a difficult and unpredictable eighteen months we congratulate all our students on their resilience and forbearance and celebrate with them their exam successes. The grades achieved today are a reflection of the hard work students have put into their studies. Willink teachers have worked tirelessly to ensure students are all able to progress onto higher education, further training or employment, and we look forward to seeing what they will achieve in the future.”

For further details please contact:

Sarah Hiscock (Press and marketing) E: shiscock@willink.w-berks.sch.uk

Jane Vause (Exams Officer) E: jvause@willink.w-berks.sch.uk T: 0118 9832030