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The Willink


Our Aim is to help our students gain a complete education in preparation for life in the adult world. 

This subject is a statutory subject valued by the current government and is key to the aims of the new Secondary School Curriculum introduced in 2008 which states that schools should aim to produce:-

  •  Confident individuals able to live safe, healthy and fulfilling lives.
  •  Responsible citizens who make and contribute to society.

In June 2019, the Department for Education launched the final statutory guidance to accompany introduction of compulsory health education, relationships education and relationships and sex education (RSE) in 2020.

This can be found at:


In addition please see our PSHEE SOW for all Year groups and the Relationships and Sex Policy

Key Staff

  • Miss E Mace - Head of Department
  • Miss L Argent 
  • Mrs S Enslin
  • Mrs J Harbidge
  • Mr A Nichol
  • Miss S Openshaw
  • Mr C Ryder
  • Mrs T Starkey
  • Mr A Sizer 

Key Stage 3  - Years 7, 8 and 9

PSHEE Topic and Assessment Overview 2023-2024 Curriculum Outline:

Years 7, 8, 9 and 11 have key aspects of both subjects taught to them either weekly or fortnightly.

PSHEE Education includes economic wellbeing, financial capability and personal wellbeing.

It provides opportunities for students to reflect on their own identities and relationships; discuss complex ethical questions; challenge prejudice and injustice; respond constructively to risk and uncertainty; and consider the impact of their career, consumer, and personal choices on people and environments throughout the world.


Last Updated November 2023