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The Willink

More Able & Aspiring (MMA) Student Programme

More Able & Aspiring Student Programme

At the Willink school, we are committed to meeting the needs of all of our students, including our most able. All teachers are aware of which ‘Most Able and Aspiring’ (MAA) pupils they teach and plan their lessons and activities accordingly to ensure stretch and challenge for all, including the more able. While it is important for us to offer a range of extracurricular activities, we also prioritise quality teaching first for all our pupils in the classroom. 

The Willink offers a wealth of extracurricular opportunities to all its pupils, including a range of activities specifically tailored for the most able. The methods we use include extension materials, master classes and other special activities such as local and national competitions. 

The school’s MAA policy can be found here.

ω Programme 

MAA students at the Willink are also invited to join the ω programme. This programme is the vehicle by which many of our extra-curricular activities are delivered to MAA students. It involves a meeting every short term (six times a year) where various masterclasses are delivered from both internal and external presenters.

In KS3 the ω programme is focused on delivering masterclasses on different topics which students may not be ordinarily exposed to in the course of their lessons. It is aimed at developing a love of learning and broadening their knowledge base.

In KS4 the ω programme is aimed at developing skills, attributes and habits which are highly valued by the universities, apprenticeships and employers that these sorts of students are likely to be interested in. 

Subject Specific MAA Criteria

Please view this document for a list of subject specific criteria for MAA students. This is not an exhaustive list, but can be used as a
guide to work towards if you wish to be identified as an MAA student:

Subject Specific MMA Criteria

Independent MAA Activities

 Please access the following documents for a list of activities you could participate in to enhance you love of particular subject areas:

Art & Design Independent Activities

English Activities

Humanities Independent Activities

Modern Foreign Languages Independent Activities

Maths Independent Activities

Performing Arts Activities

Science Independent Activities