Gold Award Duke of Edinburgh
Gold Award Duke of Edinburgh
Students who are over the age of 16 may start, or progress to, their Duke of Edinburg Gold Award. This scheme is launched to students early in the autumn term.
If already enrolled or have completed at least one section of a previous award it is possible to add the Gold level to their eDofE account. This allows reduced time for some sections. Completing Bronze or Silver is not required to start Gold.
The Gold Award includes the same sections as other Awards: Volunteering, Physical, Skills, and Expedition, with a commitment of one hour per week for the sections and there are still minimum timeframes for taking part; the young people will choose their longest section when they first access their Gold account.
The Expedition is 4 days and 3 nights with 8 hours of planned activity each day, at least 4 hours must be spent travelling; there will be a practice expedition and the assessed expedition. Training will be more rigorous than on previous levels as the locations that the students will navigate and camp in are far more challenging.
How the gold expedition will run will be dependent upon final numbers, and student wishes, but will likely involved students signing up in groups to one of BXMs open expeditions, for which the locations of their planned expeditions, and dates, are detailed below.
About The Gold Award
These links are provided by Duke of Edinburgh to introduce the Gold Award:
Gold Award: Introduction For Parents:
- Gold Award Parent Information presentation
- Video from Presentation
- What will your son or daughter get out of their Gold DofE?
Gold Award: Introduction For Students:
Gold Award Willink Registration Process (2024-2025)
To register for Gold, please complete the enrolment form, return it to the main office, and make payment of £45 (this includes a registration pack from DoE and a participating place fee which covers the cost of the licence to the school as well as a small administration cost).
Gold Award Costs Through The Willink (2024-2025)
Registration Payment Schedule for Gold Level via Scopay
Main payment £45 payable by 18 October 2024
The costs associated with both the practice expedition and the qualifying are £245 & £245. Expedition payments for the gold level will be made directly to BXM.
Gold Award Expedition Dates
Below are the expedition date options:
- 28 October – 1 November 2024 - South Wales
- 7 – 11 April 2025
- 25 – 29 August 2025
- 27 – 30 October 2025
Useful documents
Duke of Edinburgh Enrolment Form (PDF)
Duke of Edinburgh Enrolment Form (Word Document)
Gold Award – Spare Assessors Cards