Food & Nutrition
The Design and Technology Department teaches in mixed ability groups. We aim to produce work that will challenge all students whilst supporting the less able. The exam board is AQA - Letters are sent to parents on how to obtain revision guides
Key Staff
- Mrs J McDonald - Head of Department
- Mr W Miles - Teacher of Food Preparation & Nutrition
- Mrs P Sharpe - Food and Nutrition Technician
Key Stage 3 - Years 7,8 and 9
Food & Nutrition Milestone Assessment Schedule 2024-25
Four lessons are taught each fortnight.
The topics included are:
Year 7 Food Preparation, Knowledge and Skills
- Health and Safety
- Timing and Planning
- Effect of Heat on Food
- Raising Agents
- Practical Food Skills
Year 7 Ingredient Lists: Please click on the relevant class link below:
7SB Ingredient Lists - January 2025
7NT Ingredients List - January 2025
7PM Ingredients List - January 2025
Year 7 Recipe Cards:
1. Fruit Salad
3. Tomato Ragu
9. Fairy Cakes
10. Scones
11. Shortbread
Year 8 Food Preparation and Nutrition
- Health and Safety
- Timing and Planning
- Understanding Nutrition
- Macronutrients and Micronutrients
- Food Science
8NT Ingredients List - January 2025
8PM Ingredients List - January 2025
8SB ingredients List - January 2025
Year 8 Recipe Cards:
2. Chicken and Vegetable Couscous
3. Enchiladas
4. Pizza
5. Carbonara
7. Cheese and Onion Scrunch Pie
9. Muffins
10. Double Chocolate Chip Cookies
11. Shortbread
Year 9 Food Preparation, Choice and Planning
- Health and Safety
- Timing and Planning
- Nutrition
- Energy from Food
- Food Choice
9PM Ingredients List - January 2025
9NT Ingredients List - January 2025
9SB Ingredients List - January 2025
Year 9 Recipe cards:
3. Quesadillas
4. Calzone
5. Lasagne
10. Fruit Pies
11. Swirl Biscuits
Key Stage 4 (GCSE) - Years 10 & 11
Course Outline – including curriculum time and homework time
6 lessons per fortnight. Usually 1 practical lesson per week. The course is designed to give students the opportunity to extend and apply their skills, knowledge and understanding of food and nutrition within a variety of concepts.
Assessments Paper 1: Food preparation and nutrition.
What's assessed: Theoretical knowledge of food preparation and nutrition.
How it's assessed • Written exam: 1 hour 45 minutes • 100 marks • 50% of GCSE
Questions • Multiple choice questions (20 marks) • Five questions each with a number of sub questions (80 marks).
Non-exam assessment (NEA) What's assessed Task 1: Food investigation Students' understanding of the working characteristics, functional and chemical properties of ingredients. Practical investigations are a compulsory element of this NEA task. Task 2: Food preparation assessment Students' knowledge, skills and understanding in relation to the planning, preparation, cooking, presentation of food and application of nutrition related to the chosen task. Students will prepare, cook and present a final menu of three dishes within a single period of no more than three hours, planning in advance how this will be achieved.
How it's assessed • Task 1: Written or electronic report (1,500–2,000 words) including photographic evidence of the practical investigation. • Task 2: Written or electronic portfolio including photographic evidence. Photographic evidence of the three final dishes must be included.
Last Updated January 2025