The Drama Department teaches in mixed ability groups. We aim to produce work that will challenge all students whilst supporting the less able and providing extension opportunities for the gifted and talented. We believe that all students should have the opportunity to use their imagination and skills to create drama.
Key Stage 3 Drama is taught in a purpose built studio and in the School Hall. In both areas there are resources that allow for a full theatrical experience, including lighting and sound systems. The Drama Classroom is equipped for Seminar Style teaching as well as space for practical work for small classes. The department is also equipped with computer facilities, which are linked to the school network.
Key Staff
- Mrs J Ross - Head of Performing Arts, Drama Teacher
- Mr M Rakowski - Drama Teacher & Head of Learning Year 8
- Mr C Wooldridge - Performing Art Technician & Caretaker
Key Stage 3 - Years 7, 8 and 9
Drama Milestone Assessment Schedule 2024/25
All students have two drama lessons per fortnight in which they learn and develop a variety of skills. All pupils are required to participate and learn to give and receive feedback on their performances. As the students' progress through the school, they will be introduced to the technical side of theatre and be expected to plan for and use these in their performance pieces.
Areas of study include:
Stylised Theatre
Key Stage 4 - GCSE, Years 10 and 11
Drama is a popular subject at GCSE and students opting for the subject follow the Eduqas GCSE Drama course.
Year 10: The first year of GCSE Drama builds on performance and technical skills learned at KS3 and to introduce theatre practitioners and a range of devising techniques. The set text will be studied in the spring and summer term. We will complete the Component One assessment will be launched in March and performed in May of Year 10
Year 11: Continued exploration of the set text and preparation for the December mock. Practical exploration of scripts for the Component Two Scripted Performance exam in the spring term. The Component Three written exam is in the summer term.
The course is split into three components:
Component One is a devised piece worth 40% of the GCSE and broken into a performance, portfolio of three key moments in rehearsal and timed written evaluation.
Component Two is a scripted performance, worth 20% of the GCSE and shown to an external examiner.
Component Three is a written exam worth 40% of the GCSE. Within the written exam the students answer questions on a set text from the point of view of an actor, designer & director plus a review of a live performance seen during the course.
Students choose how to be assessed in practical work. The options are:
lighting design
sound design
set design (including props)
costume design (including hair and make-up)
Key Stage 5 - A Level, Years 12 and 13
Drama & Theatre A-Level Course Guide
Extra -Curricular Opportunities
There are a variety of extra-curricular opportunities within Drama at The Willink.
These include
- Key Stage 4 & Key Stage 5 Production
- Key Stage 3 Production
- Year 7 Drama Club
- House Drama Competition
In addition, we organise a number of theatre visits during the year, some for targeted year groups and others open to the whole school. We also have visiting theatre companies that perform and lead workshops with our students.