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The Willink


Curriculum (Transition)

Our curriculum is designed to promote our vision, philosophy and aims encapsulated by our motto “village school, global outlook”. The school’s paramount concern is the development of the individual: their personal character development, their achievements, their cultural capital and their career needs.​

​The Willink ERA summarises the importance we place on these aspects.​

Engage as successful learners who:​

  • Are curious and enjoy a range of learning activities​
  • Are able to reflect and assess their own progress and know how to improve further​
  • Aspire to achieve their best​
  • Enhance cultural capital through co-curricular opportunities​
  • Have acquired foreign language learning skills​

Respect as responsible citizens who:​

  • Live safe, healthy and fulfilling lives​
  • Make a positive contribution to the local community and wider society​
  • Have an awareness of the links between school and structures of society​
  • Have an awareness and appreciation of different cultures and an understanding of the  world​
  • Value the role of foreign languages and see themselves as part of a global community​

Achieve as confident individuals who:​

  • Are able to communicate articulately, express and justify ideas and value ideas of others​
  • Happily communicate in a foreign language​
  • Reflect on their learning, consolidate knowledge and skills and respond to feedback ​
  • Are intrinsically motivated and resilient when facing challenges​
  • Make connections between prior learning within and across subjects and the wider world of work​

The curriculum demonstrates continuous and progressive development of each of the four elements of learning: knowledge, concepts, skills and attitudes.​

​Full details of what your child will study within each curricular area, and at what stage, can be found on our school website: Curriculum - Faculties.​