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The Willink

Contact Information

Willink School logo The Willink School Contact Information

The Willink

School Lane
Burghfield Common

Telephone: 0118 983 2030

Attendance Line: 0118 983 8422

Email: office@willink.w-berks.sch.uk 


The Sixth Form office has its own direct dial and email address.  Please use these details for absence reporting and any other queries:

General Contact Information

Urgent Contact: For urgent contact, please telephone the school office on 0118 983 2030. A message can be relayed either to staff or to students via the student's tutor.

General Enquiries: For general enquiries or if you wish to contact a specific member of staff, please use the email: office@willink.w-berks.sch.uk. Office staff will pass this email to the relevant member of staff to deal with.

We respond to such communication as soon as possible and normally by the following day.

Heading such emails "For the attention of ......" is helpful; this may be a named person or a role in the school e.g Head of Music, Head of Year 7.

Click here for a list of tutors and Heads of Learning.

Each student has a Green Student Book. This should be used for daily communication between parents and the student's tutor. Whilst the GSB are monitored weekly by tutors, it is incumbent on the student to show important and immediate messages to the relevant member of staff. 

School Tour: To arrange a school tour, please contact Miss Alison Luaces-Fernandez, Assistant Business Support Manager: aluacesfernandez@willink.w-berks.sch.uk

Contact Headteacher: If you wish to contact the headteacher, Ms Nicolle Browning, please do so via her Personal Assistant, Mrs Nicky White: nwhite@willink.w-berks.sch.uk.

Further Education Provider Enquiries: For enquiries about the school’s arrangements for managing the access of Further Education providers to pupils at the school, for the purposes of giving them information about the provider’s education or training offer, please contact Assistant Head, Mr Aurelien Collot, providers@willink.w-berks.sch.uk.

If you require a paper copy of any information on our website, please do contact the school. Paper copies are provided free of charge. 

SENDCO Contact Information

  • SENDCo - Mrs J Harbidge 
  • Student & Family Welfare - Mrs P Myers & Mrs R Wilson

The SENDCo can be contacted via the school office:

For more information about our Learning Support Centre, please click here.

Safeguarding Contact Information

If the matter is one of safeguarding (Child Protection) please contact the Head teacher (Ms Browning), the Designated Safeguarding Lead (Mr Sizer), or Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead (Mrs Schofield), or Mrs Myers (Family Support Worker): safeguard@willink.w-berks.sch.uk