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The Willink

Charitable Trust

Charitable Trust

For some time, the senior staff and governors have been looking at ways to provide additional financial support to the school. With continued pressure on school budgets, as documented by local and national media, raising additional funds, particularly for capital projects is now vital.

In 2015, The Willink established The Willink School Charitable Trust with the aim of raising funds to provide additional financial support to the school. We started by concentrating on Large Capital projects, but with the current financial climate we may also have to support the school with smaller more day to day requirements..

Over recent years the amount that the school is given for capital development has been cut by 80% and now means that we can only carry out the most urgent repairs. Although The Willink is a West Berkshire school, the Local Authority is also facing financial challenges and so it was decided that we needed to be proactive ourselves.

The Willink Charitable Trust is registered with the Charities Commission. The “Object of the Trust” is “The advancement of Education for the Public benefit with particular emphasis on The Willink (Burghfield Common) and its local community”.

The Trustees are:

  • Ms Margaret Baxter, Governor
  • Mrs Samantha Coombes - Governor
  • Mr Philip Laybourne, Governor, Chair of Trustees
  • Ms. N Browning, Headteacher
  • Mrs S Fiorin, Treasurer

We are very grateful to The Willink PTA for the support they provide to the school and the Trust will work alongside the PTA to enrich our students’ school experience.

The Trustees will continue to approach local businesses and other organisations for financial and practical support. We are also applying for grants and other funding sources. “Charitable Status” will give us access to many sources that we had previously been unable to approach.

As well as larger donors we would like to invite parents and carers, past pupils, members of the local community and other interested parties to support the school and the Trust in a number of ways, both financial and practical.

If you would like to make a donation to the Trust or have any questions or suggestions that you would like to share with the Trustees please contact us via Mrs Nicky White, PA to the Head Teacher, on 0118 983 2030 or nwhite@willink.w-berks.sch.uk

To donate to the Willink School Charitable Trust through CAF Donate please click here.

We are very optimistic about The Willink School Charitable Trust, and look forward to enhancing and enriching our student and staff experience at The Willink.

Charitable Trust Financial Accounts 2021

Latest AGM Minutes